Fake Doctor Pumps Victims with Concrete, Superglue, and Sealant
Several possible victims are alleging a woman posing as a Florida doctor and promising buttocks enhancement pumped their butts with ...

Christophe Champenois Murders son in Washing Machine
Christophe Champenois has been charged with murdering his son by shoving him in a washing machine and turning it on ...

Photos – Eric Brewer East Cleveland Mayor Cross Dressing Scandal
Meeeeoowww…. Disturbing photos, allegedly of Mayor Eric Brewer, are being circulated around the world via the internet, days before a ...

Christopher Barrios Update – David Edenfield Convicted to Face Death
David Edenfield who participated in the rape and murder of Christopher Barrios has been convicted in Brunswick, GA and is ...

The Tree Of Liberty
To anyone, everyone: I want to bring attention to a website that matters and a community of people that are ...

Lon Horiuchi – Ruby Ridge Killer Endorses Gun Maker HS Precision
There are things that people do in life that are just a slap in the face. Live by the gun, ...

Blueschica of Crimes and Justice Mentioned on CNN Newscast- Ashley Dupree
Well.. Looks like I was mentioned during a CNN Newscast regarding Ashley Dupree the Call Girl/Prostitute/Home Wrecker who brought down ...

Chicago Plant Workers Who sit-in WIN !!! Bank Extends Credit.
This has been a fascinating story to watch. In essence, workers win for once. Good for you! I have been ...

Bush and the Lone Soldier FoxNews Receives Return Cheer
Former Vice President Dick Cheney and other Bush administration officials sometimes let it be known that they stuck with Fox ...